Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Interestingly enough: Most people who will read this are in and around
Europe. Here it is already 2008, back there it is still 2007. The nerd
in me is happy. So far i've only seen this from "the other side", when
calling my aunt in New Zealand, and she was already in the new year,
me being back in Europe still in the old. She still got to the new
year six hours before me, though.

Other than that not much to write about. I'm still sitting on an
offshore oil platform, working through since December 9th. They made
nice efforts to make it more endurable - for tonight's dinner (31st)
they had a special buffet similar like what they did on the 24th.
Today it was lobster time. Nice. On the 25th there was a "lucky draw"
show. They had one box with all the names of people present on the
rig. When your name was picked you had to come to the "stage" and pick
a paper from a second box. That paper told you what your price was.
Some people got socks. Other people got 'better' things. If you got a
better prize you had to perform something - some had to drink a coup
of milk or vinegar or two bottles of water and then do a little
I didn't have to perform anything but still got a 'medium good' prize.
A swiss army knife. Very nice. It looks like it is a real Victorinox,
if not it's at least a good copy. Too bad i already have a better one,
bought in Switzerland in 1993. The one i got here has a few functions
less hence it is a little thinner. And it came in a nice box, also
including a Victorinox peeler and table knife. Very nice gestures of
the rig team, i gotta say, putting up a show and everything. Right now
i'm still stuffed from dinner (call it breakfast if you like, i ate it
just after getting up, doing night shifts, remember).

New year's eve, a time when people like to look back and think about
the future. And i got lots of time to think during this boring job.
Enough is enough. Even if it is just a number, new year being a
randomly assigned date (e.g. the Romans started the new year with
Julius, i mean, July, no? I'd check if i had proper access to
wikipedia), i still like 2008. Seems like there will be some changes
happening in my life, for sure some interesting times.


And of course my job kept me busy throughout the whole of January 1st
and prevented me from blogging this "from the future", i mean, from
2008 when it was still 2007 in Europe. Well, well. At least i made
some calls back to the old year before all the stress started.

Anyways, the future is bright and interesting even though we never get
to see anything else than the present ;-)
so a happy new year to you all, whenever you may celebrate it (hint:
when we next meet might be a good time),



Lanznews said...

Es ist gut, mehr Gewicht auf die Gegenwart zu legen, die einzige Zeit, in der wir etwas für uns und unsere Mitwelt tun können... Wir wünschen Dir, Christoph, für 2008 richtige Entscheidungen und Erkenntnisse für Dein Leben... kurzfristig ev. interessante Erkundungen Deiner Umwelt (china? oder sogar NZ?...) Viel Glück und Freude am Leben wünschen Dir Papa und Mutti

Max said...

from W*k*p*d*a:
July was renamed for Julius Caesar, who was born in that month. Previously, it was called Quintilis in Latin, since it was the fifth month in the ancient Roman calendar, before January became the first month of the calendar year (the year when displayed as twelve months in order) during the time of the decemvirs about 450 BC.

:) greetings from the baumhaus and I hope to meet you somewhere in Europe next year