Monday, March 22, 2010

Accessibility FAIL

Some time ago I've organised two courses for international students about accessibility and universal design (You guessed right, with my student organisation). Since then I've become a little more aware of problems/bad solutions in everyday life.
Now, last weekend i was at a cafe at Kahlenberg. It's quite a new building, you sit in there with a wonderful view of Vienna. A bit fancy, but ok, was a special occasion. Anyways. When i went to the toilet i was surprised to find this sign on top of the stairs leading down:

Ever tried the stairs with a wheelchair? First i was guessing that just the sign was messed up, and that there would be an elevator somewhere. But there wasn't. At least i couldn't find any looking around several rooms near the stairs, upstairs and downstairs. Bad. Really.
Considering that there was no way to get down to the toilets in a wheelchair, i guess it was less bad that the toilets weren't accessible for wheelchairs either :-P

ps: if you're not familiar with the term FAIL, have a look at failblog.

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