Guess where i spent my last weekend:

Yes, that's right, in the Netherlands. Visiting a friend in Delft. Lovely city, nevermind the typical cloudy/rainy weather. Go there yourself if you haven't already.
Once again i was surprised how near everything is in Holland. 15 minutes by train and you're in Rotterdam, 15 minutes into the other direction and you're in The Hague. "Different cities", yesyes.
About Dutch, the language: you might have heard that it sounds funny for us German-speakers. Oh yes it does. Last weekend i've learned that it's also the other way round, i.e., German also sounds funny for Dutch people =)


"Heeren" means gentlemen, at least on toilet doors. Funny enough, to use this logo for it, as seen in a student dorm. Especially considering the fact here in Austria we say "we drink beer, we piss Hei..."
On to more Lucullan delights:

I ate what you might call Dutch sushi: fresh
herring with onions. Good.
Bit slippery to eat, though.

If you're more into sweet stuff: when in Holland, put some butter on your bread and then complete it with
vruchtenhagel and chocolate
vlokken. Mmmh.

And now to very yummy Dutch Vla. This one comes out of its gable-top carton in stripes, like toothpaste, but tastes much better.

The three-coloured vla with the three-coloured vruchtenhagel on top. Mmmh.

And in the end: fresh
stroopwafels from Delft's street market.
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