Some random impressions, in no particular order:
- the ubiquitous Palinca: it seems like almost everyone is producing it in his family here (i knew that before). It's funny when they tell you "no, that's not homemade. It's from my neighbour!"
- i got the impression that Romanian people eat later than Austrians. Lunch at 3PM or later was the normal time. Well, after one year in Spain i prefer eating later than most Austrians, anyway ;-)
- the Austrians brought beer to Timisoara! Ha! With Prince Eugene in 1718. (1717 according to Timi's Wikipedia page; if you feel like geeking out, find out the right date and add it to this beer- or brewery related stub). If you visit Timișoara, don't forget to drop by the Timişoreana brewery's pub. Yummy!
- the people also seemed quite official to me. You know, liking official stamps to let you in(to their brewery) and all.
- "Schase" means "6" (funny for German speakers)
- Polenta is a traditional dish and of course has another name: Mămăligă.
- the "Krautwickler" were delicious!
- the Romanian revolution started in Timisoara. Very close to the flat of a friend of mine.
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