Hello there,
weee, I'm almost through my first month in Tokyo. Didn't get to blog as often as i wanted to, sorry. Will let you know more once i get to do it (already started to write more posts).
For now, two pictures will have to do.

You might've heard of
fugu. Or at least seen
the early Simpsons episode where Homer eats fugu and is told that he has only 24 hours left to live. Obviously you can get fugu here in Japan. But it's expensive and 'just for the thrill of it' not worth it for me. Nevertheless i consumed some unexpected fugu: fugu
Sake. Some colleagues from my research lab at the university had it and shared it with me and the other labmates last Thursday. As you can see it has a comic little fugu painted on top of it. Of course there was a bottle inside this carton box, but the box was more interesting so i took a photo of that. As for the taste: well, it was Sake that tasted a little fishy. Won't become one of my favourites :-P

Another pic from university: taken at last friday's edition of the weekly
International Friday Lounge where i am helping out as one of the official
language assitants. Since Halloween stuff can be bought here same as in Europe - meaning there is no tradition of Halloween but thanks to global commericalization they have it, too - the theme of the day was Halloween and ghosts in general/in your home country. The sensei brought some Halloween decorations including this hat, which she asked me to wear.
"Silly Hats ONLY!"
That's it for today, so I'll leave you with this:
I'm a banana!
ps: if you don't know what the last lines were about,
watch this. But be advised, it might be a little disturbing. And funny.
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