Sunday, February 20, 2011


Before i moved to Japan someone in Austria told met that their idea was to get oneself a treat everyday to make life in Japan even nicer. Well, i don't strictly adhere to this, but every now and then i get myself something. Mostly out of curiosity, to try new products that don't exist elsewhere but Japan.

So, the fish milk was one of this things. If you think combining fish and milk is a really, really bad idea, hold your horses: there's no actual fish involved, as far as i know. Maybe a picture will help:
Just before yummy in the sun.
 If you've been to Japan, you might recognise this fish as Taiyaki. A waffle-like cake in the form of fish. Most commonly filled with delicious anko. So this is nothing else than sweet milk with Taiyaki taste. It really tastes like those waffle-things filled with anko. Yummy, Japan.

If you're wondering where i enjoyed this: i drank it in front of Yasuda Auditorium at Hongo campus. Just after lunch. In the sun, with snowmen around me because of the snowfall during the night before - but they were already melting away in the sunshine.

Happy fishmilk ad in the local COOP shop.


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