Of course going there that evening wasn't a spontaneous decision because you have to make reservations in advance. Otherwise they won't even let you get close to the hotel. It's on a fake island just in front of Jumeirah beach in Dubai. We arrived there with our crappy local Abu Dhabi taxi, just in time. Didn't want to let us go in with that car at first, but we nicely explained our situation and showed them our reservation papers. Was fun, driving up the bridge to the hotel during sunset, in some cheap Asian car, stopping in-between all those Rolls-Royces, Ferraris, Porsches etc. But we got there.
Well, what can i say, it's nice, i like. I mean, like everywhere in Dubai the place just shouts out loud "money money money" but it's nice to look at. They just used expensive materials everywhere, so nowhere u can find a spot that looks cheap. With nice water effects, springs with colour, gold in a lot of places, giant aquariums filled with exotic fish just as a background, a 180m-high lobby...
The dinner was fine. Buffet, really nice food. I took my time to eat and enjoy. It wasn't oh-so-special, but quite all right. Good food. And actually not that expensive. I mean, compared to fancy places back in Europe. You can easily spend more money there. That's a nice thing here in Dubai, it's quite affordable.
Don't get me wrong, staying overnight in in the Burj is expensive, the cheapest room is about 1000 USD per night. But having dinner was okay.
Btw, the 'my pics' page is working again. Hmmm, at least it worked fine yesterday, now i cannot access the server anymore :(
I'll continue with some photos, just to spice that blog up a bit:
All dressed up.
Ned hinschauen.
Yup. that's only half a lobster on my plate.
Sushi time.
Oysters. I did it. They weren't still alive, at least they didn't move when i dropped some lemon juice on them. And still, uuuuaaaah, disgusting. Been there, done that, check. Same as with medical pills, can't swallow without chewing at least once, so i had to bite'em... not quite as you're supposed to do it. Read "My Uncle Oswald" for instructions.
Just posing.
Looking up in the lobby.
I love using mirrors for pictures.
And finally yet another Austrian product on display... although i haven't seen Red Bull ads or PEZ in the Burj :-)
That's what it looks like when you're going to your room on the 26th floor, passing by the guy with the desk waiting for your room service needs.
Simply physics, i guess, using water springs like optical cables, to transport light...
The lobby.
Up from the lobby.
Waiting in the lobby.
Posing in the lobby.
Big Burj.
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