Quite noisy. But strangely interesting. On that ugly building behind all those people there is a small commemorative plaque because the first Slovak National Council was founded there on the 15th and 16th of September 1848. So that was the reason for all the Slovak flag-waving of all the youngsters that are in the bottom right corner of the photo.
And then, about five or ten minutes later, they all disappeared almost as fast as they got there. Guess they would've stayed longer if the weather was nicer these days.
Speaking of unexpected noise at work: in the end of the last week the church around the corner here suddenly started to ring all its bells and did not want to stop. For quite a while. Dunno why. I'm not into religion. If you are still looking for one, try this or that.
Not much news otherwise. It got annoyingly cold last sunday and it's been raining permanently since monday. Quiero irme a Lesbos inmediamente...
Alternative title for this blog entry: Brassed off =)
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