Tuesday, December 19, 2006



some people asked me about the weather here. So even if this might be the most boring conversational topic, i'll give you some answers.

It's winter here, too. So it is cold. Maybe not middle-European-winter-cold, but cold, still. And it bloody rains! For a couple of days. And the water doesn't go away, you know, into the ground or something. They're just not prepared for that. Ever seen a three-lanes highway totally covered with water for more than 50m? And been driving through that? Well, this is what we did with the taxi that took us to work.

In my compound on the way from the parking space to my room... there were sand barriers to keep the water from the parking space from coming through, and those wooden things so be able to 'walk on the water'.

I'll most probably be offline - working - for the next couple of weeks, so happy new year (German: Guten Rutsch!), everyone!


ps: fear is the bath to the Duck side!
pps: If your reading this, feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line via email. I have a lot to do but eventually i will answer all of those mails :-)

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